Friday, March 27, 2009

Welcome Note In Wedding

saving time limits in the choice of hours

Argument 1 advocates of telecommuting employee telecommuting allows more freedom for the employee in the choice of hours

is obviously one of the strongest arguments of all teleworkers and telecommuting satisfaction cite it as a priority.

But when we look a little more detail on the freedom we find that she suffers from many limitations:

- Limits in relations with the firm (hierarchy, colleagues, ...)

Most contracts define telecommuting (and should be determined as discussed in the model contract) from the windows of availability "during which the teleworker must be contacted by the company. Obviously if this range is 100% for hours now, there is more room for freedoms for the teleworker.

In general, this range is 5 or 6 hours, eg from 9 am to 12 pm and 14 to 17 h. These times must be negotiated, and it is not easy, if we want to, for example, "pick up the kids at school .. . The possibility of permanent liaison with Blackberry or Ipod is rarely sufficient ...

- Limits in relations with customers

Customers can impose very stringent schedules to suppliers (visiting hours, Delivery, ...)

- Limits in relationships with family

If we do not live alone (e), the inter-professional life and private life is not always easy going for the whole family. If one does not work in times "normal" routine (for example, between 8 am and 18 pm), it means that you work early morning or late evening, or Saturday, or Sunday. This flexibility, satisfactory to the teleworker Will also satisfactory for his family?

other hand, if the workload is too Importantly, the actual working time will tend to exceed the contractual working time even more than in the case of a traditional work in the office

- Restrictions related to their abilities

must be able to live properly scheduling this freedom. First, we need the type of business and activity that is exerted allows schedules that are chosen in part yourself. On the other hand, we must be able to organize its own activities without the constraints imposed by the permanent hierarchy or colleagues.

All these reasons explain why those who already have considerable autonomy and freedom in the choice of hours in a traditional organization "office" adapt readily to teleworking. But it's not so easy for others ...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

California Drivers License Template 2010

Deepening the pros and cons telework

We know well the arguments of advocates of telecommuting employee

* More freedom for the employee in the choice of hours
* Less travel: time saving
* More free time for family and local activities
* Less stress transport
* Less stress due to pressure hierarchical
* Less consumption of energy: sustainable teleworking =
* ...

less is known about the arguments of those opposed to telecommuting employee

* Working hours tend to spill over the lifetime private
* More stress to a greater workload because uncontrollable
* Less than contacts with superiors and colleagues
* Less participation in the life of the company
Telecommuting * = first step toward dismissal or outsourcing
* ...

We return to each of its arguments in the coming days.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What Happened To Fakku Nov 2010

telework Why does he develops not in France?

This blog is used to exchange, so lucid on telework in trying to distinguish, as much as possible, speech, fantasies and reality.