The new social contract for France Telecom September 2010 provides a number of issues of shares:
" better support mobility and change
On this topic, several concrete measures are already available:
- stop unwanted mobility for people with less than three years of retirement
- a period of three years of stability after a minimum functional or geographic mobility
- the choice between at least two development opportunities in a reorganization or closure site
- systematic examination of the use of telework in case of changes in the organization " (from the presentation document 26 September 2010) It is clear that telework is changing status: it is more telecommuting dreamed by some form of organization of work "nicely green, chosen by employees 100% volunteers, eager to better organize their family life and contribute to development sustainable.
It became one of the modalities accompanying restructuring including the closure of sites (Agreements Hewlett Packard or Air France).
Increasingly, the choice for the employee may be between "move, telecommute or be fired." It is a choice
less brutal than the traditional "move or be fired "but that still raises many questions, including: *
That would mean the" voluntary "employee? The decision will be more or less biased by the attractive financial incentives sometimes in the short term, proposed by the company (see comparison chart of some bonuses).
* An employee, an employee can work his whole life in teleworking 4 or 5 days per week? Indeed, telework "balanced" to 2 or 3 days per week is generally not possible when the site of attachment to the company is more hundreds of kilometers.
* What are the margins of freedom for an employee whose housing, family or individual profile is not compatible with telework (see survey OBERGO) ?
* What is a "reversal of teleworking" when the attachment site is remote?
The 2 pillars of telework "voluntary" and "reversibility" are questioned.
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