Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Immagini Belly Punching

TELEWORK ON: MOVE OR Telecommuting?

The agreement was signed July 12, 2010 by all unions. It is even more detailed than the agreement ORACLE (21 pages). Several unique features: * It distinguishes

Telework original "Enterprise" (HP has numerous real estate projects and many projects closing of branches or locations) and telecommuting original "Employee". For example, it provides an "incentive compensation installation" of 1 500 € for telework original "Enterprise".

* For all, it also provides "grants for the installation" and returns of non-negligible heating (example: 36 € per month for two days of telecommuting per week).

* Telecommuting is clearly seen as a response to the move "forced" the reality of "voluntary" Telecommuting is when the original "business" should be analyzed closely ...

is today the most comprehensive agreement detailing the administrative procedures for telework requests.
can download the text of the agreement with the comments of Yves Lasfargue on http://www.ergostressie.com/


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