Monday, May 17, 2010

Women Breastfeeding Man

All employees can not live and support the paradox of telecommuting: "More time and workload / more quality of life"

The OBERGO, has just published the report" Telecommuting dreamed rejected real? Stop the dangerous illusions "(Report available on the site from May 17, 2010) which presents the results of an early French surveys on working conditions and lives of employees and employees who have actual experience of teleworking home.

One of the main conclusions of this report is that the success of telecommuting requires acceptance constraints and requirements of paradox: "More time and workload / more quality of life."
Now, all employees are unable and sometimes unwilling, to accept and endure this living paradox, because the conditions are very difficult to meet. This requires very specific profiles of employees and employee social relations / corporate uncommon that the report gives the characteristics.

These profiles are generally those of current teleworkers often voluntary frameworks to 100%. But they may be much less common among employees, frames or not, who are now proposing telecommuting, especially in connection with corporate restructuring where the choice is given between geographical mobility, telecommuting, or dismissal ....

These results are even more important that they contradict the "hymns to telework" - speeches, government reports, books - which, to exercise genuine forcing for the development of telework, to believe that this organization is GOOD FOR ALL EMPLOYEES and all businesses.

Therefore, if it does not take into account the constraints and requirements of the paradox telework, forcing it to continue disseminating dangerous illusions that cause:

* development of "telework been" imposed "false voluntary" misled by the attractive presentation of the "free zones", ignoring the constraints.
* excluding employees in jobs "teleworkers" but not having the profile of the teleworker or not wanting to telecommute. The report presents a list of exclusions that are feared.
Report "Telework dreamed rejected real? Stop dangerous illusions! "
Impact of telework on actual working conditions and living standards of employee (s)
Survey conducted by the OBERGO with the support of the CFDT Cadres and the Observatoire des Cadres
Report available at and site from May 17, 2010


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